Tour de Sys: The Traveler's View of a
Tomography is a procedure long used in the
biological and physical sciences to study an object by
producing images of many thin slices of it, rather than
trying to study a picture of the entire object all at one.
For example, the gross anatomy of organs is often
illustrated using pictures of tissue slices taken at
various depths, rather than trying to display a picture of
the entire organ.
A more general way to think about tomography is that it
allows you to study a very complicated object by ignoring
most of the information you have. Of course, this is
done in a very structured way that depends on a
well-defined parameter. In an organ tomogram, you may
ignore all of the organ's anatomy except what you find at a
height of 1 mm from the bottom. The height is a
parameter; by varying the height, you view a series of
extremely restricted pictures that, together, allow you to
build up very detailed information about the organ,
information that would not be available by looking at a
three-dimensional picture of the organ's exterior.
The idea of using a well-defined parameter to
restrict and organize information is powerful, and we have
been able to apply it to the study of networks in what we
like to refer to as a novel way.
Any arbitrary graph can be transformed into a tree by
choosing one vertex to serve as the root and including
links only if they lie along the shortest path from the
root to another vertex; such a tree is called the
shortest-path tree rooted at the vertex. The
shortest-path tree can be thought of as revealing that
vertex's idea of the topology and statistical properties of
the network. This tree is like one slice in an organ
tomogram: it is a very restricted and simplified picture
since the shortest-path tree will always have a regular
structure, yet it still contains a great deal of
information. Since every vertex has a different
shortest-path tree, the number of different slices is the
same as the number of vertices: the parameter of our
tomography is the node index, or more intuitively the
location in the network.
Using shortest-path trees to organize the network into a
series of slices allows us to measure global properties of
the system conditioned on location. The shortest-path
tree of a node lays the network out into a set of rings:
nodes that are one step away from the root, nodes that are
two steps away, and so on. Very detailed information
about one node's position in the network can be gleaned
from the statistics of these rings, and from this a fuller
characterization of a node appears. We have already
used this procedure to identify a strong core-periphery
structure in the US aviation network, and in the future we
believe that this will lead to new methods of network
attack and the ability to characterize the behavior of
spreading processes on networks a priori.